FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)
Minimum Criteria
NO Upfront Fees
Terms and Conditions
■ Funding amounts: $15,000 - $25MM
■ Repayment Types: daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly
■ Past defaults ok with zero balance letter
■ Repayment duration: 3-60 months
■ Isolated Tax liens: OK
■ Past bankruptcy: OK if discharged or dismissed
General Information
■ No minimum FICO score
■ Credit pull: soft
■ No cost to apply-Serious Businesses and Consumers Only
■ Most loan products are UNSECURED, with the exception of equipment loans **
■ No collateral required
■ Full suite of over 70 financial lending products available
■ Revenue and credit based products available
■ Home-based, online, LLC, sole-proprietorship, and partnership: OK
■ High risk: OK (Transportation, grow house, construction etc)
■ Citizenship: USA (Permanent residents considered.. up to $50K max)
■ Business must be US based
■ No industry restrictions
■ Loan positions we fund: 1st-6th
■ DocuSign contracts available
■ Available in all fifty states
■ Businesses must be viable and have some website presence
■ Robust cash flow required with no credit score
■ The expense (Interest or factor rate) of the loan is a tax write-off **
**Equipment financing and advances are secured by the equipment.