Franchise Funding
Franchise financing is an agreement between a company and an investor who is interested in expanding into a particular industry.
The investor provides the outlay of money for business expansion, while the company provides the expertise in running the new business...
Once the company begins to makes money, the investor's initial investment is paid back.
We can help you open up a new retail store or franchise opportunity through a business loan or line of credit. Terms can vary from 1 to 3 years in duration.
We provide the capital or hard money loans for a restaurant, food or manufacturing project as well as construction financing for home improvement projects and renovations.
We take pride in helping our clients acquire and finance the profitable business they’ve always dreamed of owning with our franchise financing services.
Available in fifty states.
Serving States: California | Texas | Florida | New York | Pennsylvania | Illinois | Ohio | Georgia | North Carolina | Michigan | New Jersey | Virginia | Washington | Arizona | Massachusetts | Tennessee | Indiana | Maryland | Missouri | Wisconsin | Colorado | Minnesota | South Carolina | Alabama | Louisiana | Kentucky | Oregon | Oklahoma | Connecticut | Utah | Iowa | Nevada | Arkansas | Mississippi | Kansas | New Mexico | Nebraska | Idaho | West Virginia | Hawaii | New Hampshire | Maine | Rhode Island | Montana | Delaware | South Dakota | North Dakota | Alaska | Vermont